Dive Manager, PADI Dive Instructor & Boat Captain
Diving since: Since around 2000, and I was 13 years old!
Working at Aqua Windie's since: I'm part of the Aqua Windie's family my whole life since I'm the son of owners Windie and Rene. I've been helping them out since i was 8 years old.
Favorite dive site on Aruba: My favorite dive spot on Aruba is Arashi reef because of many turtles, sting rays and beautiful sea life.
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer & Boat Captain
Nickname: Rosh / The Octopus Whisperer
Diving since: A loooong time! :)
Working at Aqua Windie's since: More then 6 years already! Time flies!
Favorite Specialty to teach: It is too difficult to choose just one! I like the Peak Performance Specialty because it really helps a diver improve their skills and comfort underwater. I like the Wreck Specialty because it is challenging and can give the diver an opportunity to penetrate a wreck!
Favorite dive site on Aruba: Malmok (Tres Trapi), because the're so much to see!
Fish, corals, octopus and turtles.
PADI IDC Staff Instructor & Boat Captain
Nick name: Pollo
Diving since: Got certified in 1993 and diving at a professional level since 2004.
Working at Aqua Windie's since: November 2018
Favorite dive site on Aruba: If I have to make a choice: Pedernales! The perfect example that shallow doesn't equal boring.
Favorite part of my job: Teaching, that was and is the reason I became an instructor.
PADI Dive Instructor
Diving since: Diving since 2009 for fun and later professionally
Working at Aqua Windie's since: Beginning of 2018
Favorite dive site on Aruba: When visibility is good i love all of them, especially Fingers reef
Favorite part of my job: Seeing happy costumers when coming up after diving!
PADI Master Instructor
Diving since: My dad got me into diving more than 15 years ago.
Working at Aqua Windie's since: 2021, but started as a guest in 2015!
Favorite dive site on Aruba: I really enjoy Hole in the Wall! There is a nice variety of corals and marine life and it is a shore dive, which makes it fairly unique in Aruba! I also love the shallows of Palm Slope.
Favorite specialty to teach: My favorite specialty to teach for fun is the Night Diver Specialty because it really is a different experience diving at night! My overall favorite specialty to teach is the Reef Rescue Specialty because it teaches a lot about corals and provides the opportunity to volunteer in a coral 'nursery'!
PADI Dive Instructor
Diving since: Diving since 2021
Working at Aqua Windie's since: Summer of 2021
Favorite dive site on Aruba: I really like Skalahein Reef, it has a nice slope and you see so much impressive reef, even at shallow depths!
Favorite specialty: Definitely the Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty because it helps students to be better, more relaxed divers.